A Big idea is not that easy to come by. It takes a lot of testing, probing, creative experimentation and feedback. But a Big Idea is what you'll need to be accepted to appear on the TedX stage.

Once you find that idea, there is the process of finding the right stage, the process of applying, the waiting, the panel interviews, and then it happens— you get the acceptance!

Then the work really comes... Curating the right stories, gathering data, writing, practicing, rewriting, performing....but it is totally worth it! A TedX can position you as the thought leader you are, and it can help grow your business by bringing incredible opportunities.

But more, it gets that Big Idea out into the world to create the change and shift in thinking you are called to ignite.

For me, doing a TedX these many years ago set me on a course to have the impact I desired. Over 140K views, many speaking opportunities and more! My idea was that the way to navigate chaos is to align your team around a shared purpose.


Facts Tell Stories Sell


What Doesn’t Kill You..