We want your behind the scenes, not just your highlight reel
Some of you know I have been dealing with a weird, rare chronic pain condition for a few years. I finally decided that “enough is enough,” and rather than continuing to treat the symptoms without addressing the cause (and continuing to bore my loved ones with my constant complaining), I had surgery this week here in St. Louis, where a great specialist practices (I will spare you the gory details of the surgery). I am fine, healing nicely, and full of gratitude for great doctors and for being my own best health advocate.
I know sometimes we feel that we can’t share stories of what is happening “behind the scenes” in our lives—because we want to look good, or we worry about seeming needy or oversharing—but sometimes, the stories of our struggles are the ones people need and want to hear. So today, I share this photo and these words to say: many of us want to know your behind the scenes. It helps us to relate, to connect, to understand, and to heal.
So, what are you dealing with in your behind the scenes that you might share to create some relief and even help others in doing so?